Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My summer in a nutshell

I had a fantastic summer, but would I top it off to be the best? I don't know, maybe. But it was by far the busiest summer of my life. I got a job as a lifeguard with Metropolitan Pools and I guarded mainly at Waterside North, but also Legacy and Westwinds South. My job was easy but really boring. Most of the time there would hardly be any people at the pool so I would just sit around. The money was great, the tan was great, but the kids and the boredom got old really fast.

In the month of June I went to the beach quite a few times, and had people over my house quite a bit. Erin, Rachael, Ali and I went to the Supernova together and Ali and I had a lot of fun but I don't think Erin and Rachael enjoyed themselves as much as we did ):. I took the ACT yet again, and I have to take it AGAIN in September. Paige and I went to the Beach Boys and Foster the People concert which was fun except Paige forgot the tickets as we were driving to Blossom, and we got lost on trying to get home. June was definitely the most chill month of the summer, and Erin and I watched alot of the Hills and Laguna Beach on #RetroMTV.

 Then July came around, Paige, Molly, Alexis, Hanna and I adventured out to Cedar Point and we saw the midnight premiere of the Amazing Spiderman (Andrew Garfield <3). I went to my cousin's grad party which was alot of fun, and then the 4th of July was the day after. I had soccer at 7am and then some of my family came over and we hung out by the pool and then Ali and I went over to Claire's house for some Lake Erie fun. Ali and I jetskiied with one of Claire's random neighbors which was kinda awkward, but then we went tubing on the back of the jet ski that Claire and Rachael were driving. After jetskiing there was awesome food there and I enjoyed my late lunch/early dinner with Megan, Emma, and Ali. I unfortunately had to work on the 4th of July from 6-9, but I made it back in time to Jones' for some fireworks (which were awesome!). A bunch of my guy friends and Ali, Emily, Claire, and I went back to my house and hot tubbed and swam after fireworks. My parents came home to us swimming at like 1 in the morning but they didn't really care.

 The next two days after the 4th of July were my college visits at Miami and Cincinnati. Both visits were very difficult to stand through because it was at least 110 degrees. But I liked Cincinnati better than Miami. In fact Cincinnati is my number one choice. So it was great seeing those schools and spending time with my mom. After those college visits I had a busy week of work and summer soccer conditioning. That weekend our soccer team entered the soccer in the sand tournament. The seniors formed teams and Erin and I formed a team which was Team #ELE, we had the best uniforms and name. But anyways we had a lot of fun in that tournament and it was a good time. The next week was two a days for soccer, because we had the Strongsville Showcase that weekend. And let me tell you it was by far the hottest week of summer. Kiko had us run alot in the heat, and it was pretty grueling. It was Erin's birthday by the end of the week and her Eric, Ali and I went to Macaroni Grill which was delicious. And the next day I went to go see the midnight premiere of the Dark Knight rises which was awesome. Then the showcase rolled around and our varsity team looked better. There was some drama that week at soccer concerning team bonding t-shirts (which was so dumb), and earlier in the summer regarding road runs. Little did we know at that point that in 3 weeks time we would experience the most drama-ful week of high school soccer.

My week off of soccer was awesome. I only worked like 2 days and I chilled out and had alot of fun. That week I went to the OAR concert with Hanna, Ali, Paige, and Erin and that concert was awesome. I've been a fan of OAR for years and we saw people from our school there, and we all jammed out together. It was an all around good time. That weekend was Hanna and I's third annual Huron trip where we go out to my mom's friend's cottage and we are friends with her son and the neighbor there. We had a lot of fun watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics, driving around the Huron  area, beaching it, and going to Cedar Point.

August finally crept around, yet another busy week of soccer and work and more soccer drama. I went to Cedar Point with Ali and Erin that week and then had a sleepover with Marisa and Emma. The soccer drama was so dumb, it was about some girl in my grade made a rumor up about me calling a freshmen a not nice name and that I was the reason why she quit. The person who made it up was trying to make me look bad in front of the coaches but she just looked stupid at the end of the day because nobody believed her. On my last high school soccer open play we did Throwback Thursday, where everyone wore old soccer clothes. It was probably one of the most fun I've had at practice. Then the next week was tryouts. Our first day was Camp Carey (DEATH). We had to do 10 full field sprints (there and back), pushup's, sit-up's, planks, suicides, and a two mile run. I was one of the only seniors who actually did all of it, even though I got sick (took medicine without eating). Then the second day of tryouts they announced that they were going to have 2 teams instead of 3. And the result of that was some senior girls leaving the team, and girls that got cut ):, and there only being 2 Varsity captains one of them being a Junior (never has happen before, usually 4-5 seniors as captains). The day after teams were formed Kiko resigned as the head Varsity coach, making Daegan the head varsity coach. DRAMA! And my friends were awesome and took my out for my birthday (:

After all of that drama occurred the soccer team went to team bonding. Ali, Karen, Marisa, Emma, and I made hats that said Let's Get Weird and we made Todd (assistant varsity coach) a hat that said Lord Tatertoddingham Pantz (his combined nickname that we came up with after Lord Toddingham, Tater Todd, and Toddie Todder Pantz). Marisa, Karen, Ali, and I started off the trip by riding down with Kiko to team bonding, which turned into us getting lost, listening to Spanish and god music, and hearing what Kiko thought of the Amish. It was actually alot of fun. Then we got to team bonding late of course (courtesy to Todd), and played night volleyball which got a little weird because Megan awkward salmon'ed Todd, and we had a crazy dance party in the cabins. The next day at team bonding was my 18th birthday and we went canoeing, played predator vs. prey, did some team building activities, played kickball, had pizza, had a bonfire, and had a talent show (mine Karen, Ali and Tori's dance was the best). But what I won't forget is the emotional night we had when the seniors shared good memories they had with Kiko, all of us but Megan started to cry. The next day there was drama after a great weekend of bonding, the same girl who made up that rumor about me wrote on my inspirational paper (team bonding thing ) that I was immature and that Kayla Kress was an airhead. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people call me immature, sure I joke around alot but I handle people and situations in a very mature way.

The next week rolled by and I had soccer and work again. And I even had time to hang out with friends, people came over and swam and chilled at my house, and Paige, Alexis, Molly, Hanna, and I went to see Train in concert which was AWESOME! Then I had more soccer with a scrimmage against Bay and a game against Avon which our team looked really good in. They named Kailey as the last captain, and I was disappointed that I did not get captain but you can't always get what you want. I ended my summer by hanging out with my friends with swimming, having a bonfire, and playing beach volleyball.

Overall I had alot of fun this summer. I learned alot of things and experienced alot of drama. But it has all turned out to be a good thing because I'm stronger from it now. I'm excited for my senior year and what is still to come (:

SuperNova with Erin, Ali, and Rachael!
Rachael's Birthday lunch
My summer job -__-
Beach Time
Beach Boys Concert with Paige
One of the many bonfires of the Summer
Soccer in the Sand Team!
Showing off the back of our shirts
The nugs: Erin, Ali, Annie, and Karen
Erin's birthday dinner
Midnight Premiere of the Dark Knight Rises
OAR Concert with Hanna, Paige, Erin, & Ali
Cards from "That Was A Crazy Game of Poker"
Beachin' it at Huron
Driving around

Throwback Thursday at Soccer
Ali Robinson was probably the most
spirited for this event
Erin, Paige, Alexis, Hanna, Ali, Rachael, and Molly
took me out to Fujiyama for my birthday (:

Emma, Karen, Ali, Marisa & I got
weird at Team Bonding
Our dance party
The motto of that weekend (:
The Seniors & Kiko
Abby & I at soccer
THE TRAIN CONCERT with Paige, Alexis, Molly, & Hanna
Paige Higgins the coolest girl
you will ever meet
Saw friends at Train
The Final Night of Summer 2012