Sunday, September 16, 2012

Plans For My Senior Year

Everyone has big plans for their senior year: applying to schools, having good sports season, ETC. My senior year has been off to a great start already. Soccer is not the way I was hoping it to be, but that is not what my whole entire year is going to be based off of. I want to have more fun this year than I have any other year in my life. I want to look back on my senior year being my favorite year of high school.

Each year of high school is becoming progressively better. Freshmen year I was awkward, weird, and annoying (in my opinion),and unfortunately I lost some good friends that year because of stupid drama. My sophomore year I kept to myself and my good friends (Erin and Rachael) for the majority of the year. And Junior Year I opened up to more people and had a lot more friends, and I had a lot of fun this summer. So far socially senior year has been great. The football games have never been more fun.

But there is one problem socially with this year. ELE (everyone love everyone) needs to happen; we all need to forget past judgements we've had on people for the last couple of years. Everyone changes by their senior year, I for sure have but I don't think people who do not know me well know that I am a different person than I was 2-3 years ago. I just wish everyone could get along and be friends with each other just for this last year. After this year, I probably will not see the majority of the people in our grade ever again. People do not even realize high school is such a small part of their lives. Many people have fought up to the top of the popularity totem pole throughout high school, but who is going to care 10 years from now? Nobody. If we all could be nice to each other it will make senior year a great memory and experience for years to come.

I initially working towards being the starting captain for my soccer team this year. I worked my butt off during the off season and this summer. But unfortunately my goals did not happen. My teammates, my parents, my friends, and I all knew that I deserved this, but it did not happen. Our soccer program is widely known for being VERY political. With a new head coach the politics have only gotten worse. High school sports should be about the people who are the best should play the most, but not with our soccer program. If you're parents complained enough you get a starting spot on our soccer team. I'm really fed up with all the soccer politics, and I'm glad my high school soccer career is coming to an end. But I am going to miss my friends and playing the game. My teammates are my soul motivation to work really hard this season. I am not working hard for my coaches anymore, because they apparently do not care. I just want to have a fun senior year soccer season, and I am not going to let the politics get to me.

Other sources of the amount of politics involved in high school sports (:

College. The biggest stressor a senior in high school can go through. I am going through a lot of stress in trying to raise my ACT score (which is alright), getting recommendation forms, writing essays, filling out applications, figuring out what I want to major in, and narrowing down my school choices. I took the ACT Saturday and I felt more confident than of my other ACT tests, hopefully my score went up a couple of points. If not I still have the October ACT, but I want to have all of my college applications done by then. I'm working on getting information for my recommendation letters and college apps, but I'm dreading to write the essays. To be completely honest, I am nervous and scared to apply to schools. What if I don't get into the college I want to go into? I have handled rejection before but this is more serious than what I have handled because it involves my future.

 My top choices for schools are Cincinnati, Ohio State, Slippery Rock, and John Carroll. I like Ohio State the best but I am not confident that I will get into the school. I like how Slippery Rock has the programs I want to go into and how no Avon Lake people will go there, but I don't like how small it is. I like Cincinnati, but I am skeptical on who all from Avon Lake will go there and the nastiness of the 'Nati. John Carroll is a really nice school, but it is small. And deciding what I want to do causes me a lot of stress. I am interested in the medical field, but I don't know if I want to become a Physical Therapist, a Physician Assistant, an Occupational Therapist, or go all the way and become a doctor. I also always doubt myself whether I am smart enough to go into a specific field. So I have some big decisions and a lot of work to do in preparation for college in the next two months.

Lastly, for the rest of the year I want to have fun. I might work during the winter as a lifeguard, and I also plan on playing CYO basketball, and getting in shape for track season. I want to be a "FRB" at every football and basketball game, go skiing, have a fun time during the holidays and go Spring Break with my friends.

Despite of a soccer, I am having a fun senior year so far. I hope it continues well and it will be interesting to see what happens with the whole college process!

                                          Shoremen Game
 My Team
                                          Painting for the Boys Game
                                           Seniors 2012

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