Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So really nothing great had happen in my life lately. Thanksgiving Break was pretty great I must say and these next four weeks better go by fast which they probably won't. It was really nice seeing Joe again, he is setting the bar pretty high in my family. He has not even graduated college and he already has an accounting job in downtown Cleveland waiting for him while all playing college football. I really hope I can get a good college experience like Joe did and also have success from it.

Hanging out with friends over break

The most frequently asked question during this break was "so where are you looking at for college?". I got SO annoyed of this question, but not trying to seem annoyed when people ask you this question is very very difficult. Especially when the number one school you want to go to is somewhat hard to get into. And people always respond "Oh, you will get in", but what if I don't. Being rejected from college is one of my biggest fears and it will be so embarrassing if I don't get accepted to the school I really want to go to because then people will ask me about it. So my biggest dilemma in my life is anxiously waiting for the reply from schools. Right now, I'm trying to keep busy and not think about it too much.

Anyways my break is more exciting to talk about than college. The first night Erin and I went to Melt which was delicious and we only waited 20 minutes. Wednesday I had my first Thanksgiving dinner with my grandparents, my parents, my brothers, and my dog because my mom had to work on Thanksgiving. That dinner was SO good.
My dog and I on the way to Nina and Poppa's

Thanksgiving was pretty chill, I went to my cousin's house and it was nothing too crazy. And I am super proud of myself for running on Thanksgiving Day. Paige, Erin, and I went Black Friday shopping which was not as crazy as last year, but it was still fun. The next day was also chill, we went to my cousin's bar, Plank Road Tavern, in Lakewood, and met up with a bunch of relatives.

Hanging out with the cousins
And the rest of my break I hung out with friends and went shopping with my mom. So overall it was a good break. My house is almost done, all we have left are the cabinets (which we are just re-painting) and the granite.

The floor is put in and we got a new TV.
Also the new table is put in along with the other furniture
As you can see our cabinets and counter top is not
in, but this is what the layout of the kitchen is
going to look like.
And Riley got a new bed, such a spoiled

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So my life has not been that exciting lately. So far the election is over which is really nice. I voted for the first time even though I am not supposed to talk about politics I am going to. It was a cool experience seeing Mitt Romney in person and all, but our school should not be promoting a presendential candidate especially because the voters are so split over each candidate. Even though I am for Barack Obama I still thought it was disrespectful that people wore Obama shirts to the Romney rally.
                                   Rachael, Erin, and I at the Romney Rally

The most annoying part of the election had to be all of the uneducated people posting their political "opinions" on twitter. I am not that educated on politics I do not post things on twitter like Mitt Romney is a jerk. Most of the people in our school political views are based off of their parent's views which is even more annoying. I am glad that the election is over because people now will not post their uneducated political views on social networking sites and call people ignorant.

Pretty sweet picture I took

Hurricane Sandy was a horrible storm that caused alot of damage in our country, the east coast suffering from it the most. It bugged me that people were complaining that their power was out for 2 hours, when some people in New York and New Jersey lost their homes.

People in Avon Lake are really bugging me these days. Many people do not realize how much they have compared to other people in this world. I am just excited to get away from people next year and meet new people that are more mature.

I officially signed up for CYO Basketball which I'm really excited for, I turned in my Common App, and I just have to write my personal essay for Cincinnati, and I am playing soccer right now. I visited John Carroll recently and I really liked it, the smaller class sizes appealed to me more because I would rather have more attention from my professors. John Carroll is also a D3 school, and I could definitely play soccer there. I am not positive I want to go there yet. I want to be accepted before I make my final decision.

And our grade FINALLY won something. We beat the Juniors by alot in the powderpuff game. But yeah I am just really excited for the holidays and I am so eager for college acceptance letters.

                                      Our kitchen is coming along.
                                      We took out the floor yesterday.
                                     Riley is all confused about the
                                        whole addition.