Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Make fun of me I know you want to

My life honestly is not that exciting at all. I like really need to get a job, and start getting on a good workout routine. One of my biggest fears for when I am in college is that I might get fat. I want to stay the size I am for the rest of my life (I would like a better stomach). But my metabolism is going to drop so much. I applied for a lifeguarding job at the Y and I still haven't heard back ):.

My kitchen finally has the cupboards, no granite

Well Christmas is right around the corner and my parents said it is going to be very limited because of our kitchen renovation, Mexico, Florida, and the ski trip. I have to stop going on Wanelo and Pinterest because they have so many cute clothes and I want to buy all of them. Christmas is the best though, I love seeing all of my family, and eating food, and watching Christmas movies, and other Christmas activities.

My dog and our tree

Well this is kinda corny but I am going to do a list of my favorite things (I got these from a website):

Favorite season: Summer, but I like different things about every season; Fall (football games, soccer season), Winter (Christmas, ski trip), Spring (track season, Easter)

Favorite Sport: Soccer

Favorite Holiday: Christmas, but Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day, and 4th of July are all tied for second

Favorite Pet/Animal: Dog

Favorite Restaurant: depends on what I am in the mood for

Favorite subject in school: Biology

Favorite teacher in the high school: Mr. Stuebner, sorry Arra!

Favorite body part: well that's a weird question

Favorite day of the week: Friday

Celeb Crush: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy's

Favorite Book: Harry Potter

Last Good Movie I Saw: The Dark Knight Rises

Favorite TV Show: Dexter, Pretty Little Liars, Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Favorite President: JFK

Where do you want to travel: Australia

Favorite Sports Teams: Ohio State, Cavs, Browns, Indians, I am basically your typical Cleveland fan

Favorite Christmas Movie: Home Alone 2

Favorite activity you've participated in high school: High School soccer just because of the friends I have made

Favorite Sports season throughout high school:Track sophomore year

Favorite Board Game: Life

Qualities that you hate most in people: cockiness

I like people that: have a similar sense of humor to my own

"Buzz, your girlfriend....woof!"
Cavs game


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So really nothing great had happen in my life lately. Thanksgiving Break was pretty great I must say and these next four weeks better go by fast which they probably won't. It was really nice seeing Joe again, he is setting the bar pretty high in my family. He has not even graduated college and he already has an accounting job in downtown Cleveland waiting for him while all playing college football. I really hope I can get a good college experience like Joe did and also have success from it.

Hanging out with friends over break

The most frequently asked question during this break was "so where are you looking at for college?". I got SO annoyed of this question, but not trying to seem annoyed when people ask you this question is very very difficult. Especially when the number one school you want to go to is somewhat hard to get into. And people always respond "Oh, you will get in", but what if I don't. Being rejected from college is one of my biggest fears and it will be so embarrassing if I don't get accepted to the school I really want to go to because then people will ask me about it. So my biggest dilemma in my life is anxiously waiting for the reply from schools. Right now, I'm trying to keep busy and not think about it too much.

Anyways my break is more exciting to talk about than college. The first night Erin and I went to Melt which was delicious and we only waited 20 minutes. Wednesday I had my first Thanksgiving dinner with my grandparents, my parents, my brothers, and my dog because my mom had to work on Thanksgiving. That dinner was SO good.
My dog and I on the way to Nina and Poppa's

Thanksgiving was pretty chill, I went to my cousin's house and it was nothing too crazy. And I am super proud of myself for running on Thanksgiving Day. Paige, Erin, and I went Black Friday shopping which was not as crazy as last year, but it was still fun. The next day was also chill, we went to my cousin's bar, Plank Road Tavern, in Lakewood, and met up with a bunch of relatives.

Hanging out with the cousins
And the rest of my break I hung out with friends and went shopping with my mom. So overall it was a good break. My house is almost done, all we have left are the cabinets (which we are just re-painting) and the granite.

The floor is put in and we got a new TV.
Also the new table is put in along with the other furniture
As you can see our cabinets and counter top is not
in, but this is what the layout of the kitchen is
going to look like.
And Riley got a new bed, such a spoiled

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So my life has not been that exciting lately. So far the election is over which is really nice. I voted for the first time even though I am not supposed to talk about politics I am going to. It was a cool experience seeing Mitt Romney in person and all, but our school should not be promoting a presendential candidate especially because the voters are so split over each candidate. Even though I am for Barack Obama I still thought it was disrespectful that people wore Obama shirts to the Romney rally.
                                   Rachael, Erin, and I at the Romney Rally

The most annoying part of the election had to be all of the uneducated people posting their political "opinions" on twitter. I am not that educated on politics I do not post things on twitter like Mitt Romney is a jerk. Most of the people in our school political views are based off of their parent's views which is even more annoying. I am glad that the election is over because people now will not post their uneducated political views on social networking sites and call people ignorant.

Pretty sweet picture I took

Hurricane Sandy was a horrible storm that caused alot of damage in our country, the east coast suffering from it the most. It bugged me that people were complaining that their power was out for 2 hours, when some people in New York and New Jersey lost their homes.

People in Avon Lake are really bugging me these days. Many people do not realize how much they have compared to other people in this world. I am just excited to get away from people next year and meet new people that are more mature.

I officially signed up for CYO Basketball which I'm really excited for, I turned in my Common App, and I just have to write my personal essay for Cincinnati, and I am playing soccer right now. I visited John Carroll recently and I really liked it, the smaller class sizes appealed to me more because I would rather have more attention from my professors. John Carroll is also a D3 school, and I could definitely play soccer there. I am not positive I want to go there yet. I want to be accepted before I make my final decision.

And our grade FINALLY won something. We beat the Juniors by alot in the powderpuff game. But yeah I am just really excited for the holidays and I am so eager for college acceptance letters.

                                      Our kitchen is coming along.
                                      We took out the floor yesterday.
                                     Riley is all confused about the
                                        whole addition.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Looking Good From Here

It has been a long four years, but high school soccer came to an end last Wednesday. We lost in a shoot out to North Olmsted, who we can obviously beat. It was an emotional ending; but I am overall relieved that it is over. There was so much drama within the politics of our program, and we were not good. I had fun this summer and this season with my friends. This season people were trying to bring down my confidence; but I still have it in despite all that happened to me. Even though in the short run this season did not look good, I have learned life lessons from everything that has happened. 

I have so many other things to look forward now for the remainder of my senior year. The addition will be done soon, Thanksgiving and Christmas, possibly CYO basketball and Cleveland United, the ski trip, Spring Break, track, and much more still is yet to come. 

We began the addition on our house about 3 weeks ago. We have had the same kitchen since 1995, we needed an update. And my mom has wanted a new kitchen for the past ten years, and since it was her 25th anniversary and 50th birthday this year and we did not go on vacation this summer, my dad caved in. I will explain exactly what we are doing in these pictures below.
I am at where part of our deck currently was.
Right where I am is where the added on portion
of our house will be.
Right where my dad is where the addition
is going to extend out to be. The area left to
him is going to be our new outdoor living
room. It is not going to be too fancy, just
some added comfy furniture and a ceiling

Our house is going to look so different.
Right at this point the addition is completely
built up on the exterior, the flooring and dry
wall needs to be put up. This is our family
and this large wall behind my dad is going
to be torn down and the room next to it
happens to be our kitchen. So with the
addition and the big wall knocked down
it will be a huge open area.
This is the wall of our kitchen that is also going
to be torn down along with the other wall. On
the other side of that door is where the addition
is built up, thus extending that area back more.
This was quite shocking walking into
yesterday after school. They tore down the wall
and this is what our open space is going
to look like.
This is another view of the addition and of what the open
space is going to look like. We still have a long way to go
but the project will be done in about 5 or 6 weeks. I will
blog updates of our new addition along the way!

Otherwise from the addition, I've been listening to Taylor Swift's new CD. It was released Monday and I like almost every song.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Slightly More Optimistic

Well my life is not going that swell right now. But you know what I got to stop complaining about how awful it is because it's really not that bad. My life could be so much worse and I know there are millions of people out there suffering. I've just been a typical teenager complaining about the littlest things. But in reality none of this is going to matter within the next 6 months, or the next year, or ten years from now. So I just have to forget about everything that's made me angry and upset and enjoy life.

Love this saying, even though
people hate YOLO
 Soccer is heading toward an end. And what would you know, we ended up having the worst record in Shoregals Soccer history. We didn't end up winning the conference, and we only won one home game. WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT. Hey, we might have a chance at playoffs........probably not but at I'm attempting to be optimistic. As you know I have been disappointed with this soccer season, but I know that all of my experience of soccer is going to help me out later in life. I have learned to work hard, to discipline myself, respect, confidence, integrity, team work, and that things are always not fair and that things always don't go the way it's expected to go. I have made some great friends in the soccer program, had a lot of fun memories, and I played the sport I love. It has been a long ride, but it is not over yet!

My social life has been alright. I have been low key not doing anything fun or exciting lately. Homecoming was actually horrible. It was the worst homecoming yet. My order of most fun homecomings to most boring homecomings were: Junior year, sophomore year, freshmen year, and then senior year. Isn't your senior year homecoming supposed to be the best one? I had a bad mindset going into it, but I didn't think it was going to be that bad. The dance was so lame, it seemed like there was nobody there, nobody wanted to dance, and the music was horrible. And there were other things that I did not enjoy, but I am not going to say it on here. My favorite part was taking pictures with my good friends and seeing every one's dresses. Otherwise that night sucked!

I am so cool taking pics with my dog


the lovely king and queen

Molly and I looking dashing in red

Otherwise I have just been doing college stuff. I am almost done with my applications thank god! Unfortunately I have to take the ACT for the 4th time ): . The last good movie I saw was Perks Of Being A Wallflower. I wish I finished the book before I saw the movie. And our addition to our house finally started yay! 

Excellent movie with Emma Watson who is in
Harry Potter one of my favorites

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why I Need To Leave

Right now my mood is pretty crappy. Last week was pretty rough. And as of October 1st, 2012, we are approximately seven months away from graduation. I should try to enjoy my senior year right? Well so far it has been what I expected it to be. Soccer is not what I pictured it to be. School is just annoying. The only thing I look forward to everyday is lunch because I actually like my lunch table this year. English with Stuebz is great, but it's first period so I am tired. The rest of my schedule is just kind of dumb, and AP Bio is just notes on notes on notes. People in my grade really make me mad, and on top of that annoying underclassmen. I NEED TO LEAVE AVON LAKE

I feel like a caged animal in this school. I feel like I get treated like a little kid when I am in fact an adult now. I thought being the oldest in the school would be such a cool feeling, but really I just feel old and way too mature compared to some of the idiotic people in our school. Avon Lake is a bubble, and it really bothers me when many people complain constantly about how horrible Avon Lake is. Hello, we live in one of the nicest communities, you do not have to pay for anything, you have food on your table everyday, SO STOP COMPLAINING! Also I feel like this school tries to get good kids in trouble. For instance, Erin and I received an in school suspension for walking around during study hall. There are countless amounts of students that skip class and leave school and never get caught. Another reason is that stupid parent sign off on gradebookwizard. Before, the school would just disable people's accounts, but now they are threatening students with Saturday schools. I don't understand why you would punish a student for something that there parents did not do. What if that student's parents are not good parents and are not always there for them. So you are going to give that student a Saturday school because of their irresponsible parents? Okay. Okay. Let's pretend like that seems right. And in the course of my discipline that has occurred at ALHS, I've received 2 detentions and an office notice. My first detention was in choir freshmen year when Molly and I were throwing pieces of binder at each other and it ended up on this girl, who gets offended easily. My second detention was my sophomore year in Mrs. Bair's class, I had my head on my desk at the end of class and she thought I was sleeping when I clearly had my eyes open. And my office referral was this year in Mrs. Birkby's class I had my phone out before the period even started and she took my phone away to the office. I don't understand why I received all of those punishments. Like I said this school looks for ways to get good students in trouble. I am on the honor roll, I play sports, and I never do things like stealing and doing drugs. I just do not understand the system at this school.


Like I said earlier, I am sick of all the immature people in our school. I am also sick of the judgemental jerks in our grade. I am a lot different than I was two to three years ago. I just need to leave all the stupid drama and cliques. ELE (everyone love everyone) WILL NEVER WORK AT ALHS. Because people got to be immature and act childish. If ELE happened, every one's lives would be much easier. I am a goofy person, and people that do not know me have to stop judging me so hard. I am so done with caring about what other people think of me because odds are I will never see them again after this year. People at Avon Lake High School need to realize that there's more to life than high school. And all of the immature jerks that haven't been nice to me throughout my time at ALHS, I wish them good luck because it will be hard for them to do well in life after high school. I know that my time is not now, and I am happy it is not. Because I do not want to peak at 18. I cannot wait to leave all of this Avon Lake drama behind and move on to greater and better things. I am also excited to start completely fresh and new, people that will not have previous judgements on me. I know college is going to be better than high school.

This year has not been what I was expecting it to be. Soccer is definitely not going the way I pictured it and my social life has kind of gone downhill in the past two weeks. I am also not really looking forward to homecoming at all. And a lot of this has to do with one specific person. But hopefully I will bounce back from it and eventually make this year better.

College is going to be so great. And I WILL NOT BE IN THE AVON LAKE BUBBLE. I am not going to make it a point to avoid Avon Lake people, but I am excited to leave everyone. I will stay in contact with my good friends. Who knows what will happen? My senior year better start to shape up soon, I got to keep my head up work hard for college. And hopefully everything will work out just fine. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Week In the Life of Annie Coyne

I can't even remember what happened at school on Friday. But after school I had soccer and my coach wouldn't let me practice because I forgot to wear shin guards. I wear shin guards every practice and Friday was the one day the coaches went berserk on us. Then Molly, Megan, and I went to the away game in North Olmsted. We ate at the mall before and I of course had the most food. Then after the game I hung out with Greg, Tommy, and Josh and we got Las Caz. Saturday I helped out with the car wash for the Senior class, then I had a soccer game. We tied Slyvania which is pretty cool because they were state semifinalists. Then I hung out with Ali and Marisa and we went to a bonfire and then watched movies with people in my basement. Then Sunday Kay (my mom) and I went to Costco which was fun and then I did nothing for the rest of the day. I had a pretty good weekend overall.

I woke up pissed off Monday because I hate school. It was just like any other day. Soccer was kind of dumb that day because we did these stupid games that won't benefit us for the Midpark game. I ate a lot of hummus that day. And I got really emotional when I wrote my speech for my senior night.

School was the same as it always is. Dumb, repetitive, and me questioning why do I have to be here? I honestly feel like a caged animal in this high school. One of my teachers treats me like a 5 year old. Hello I am 18, I'm applying for college. There's no need for you to tell me to ask my parents if I am going to college. Then soccer was dumb again. We watched our Amherst game and it was awesome watching 15 minutes of my playing time in the first half. But after soccer we had a team dinner which was delicious. And I went to the volleyball game with Molly and Megan.

It was like any other normal school day, the only thing exciting was the adorable sign I got on my locker from the underclassmen. Then I took a nap before my game, I came to watch JV earlier than usual, and then began to warm up for my senior night game. I still couldn't believe it was already here. I still feel like a freshmen. Hearing Erin and Tori read all 7 of the seniors' speeches really made it seem real. I was disappointed only 2 people thanked my dad for being their coach when we were younger (2 other people should have said something), but it was whatever. I was the last senior to walk out and Erin only read one speech and it was mine. I walked out there with my mom and Kiko (because my dad couldn't make it), and as soon as I saw Ali and Karen coming towards me to give me my sign I started to cry. It was an emotional experience in a good way, and I wish my dad was there to see all of this. So the night seemed to be going well, all the seniors started including Megan (tore her ACL again!), I was actually playing my position, and we were doing awesome the first half. Then at about the 30 minute mark I was taken out for no reason. I didn't understand why. I thought to myself, "Was I playing bad?". But then I soon knew the answer because it was a person whose parents are politically involved. And it only got worse I did not start the second half. I was infuriated even our assistant coach didn't understand. I don't get it I am one of the better players on my team, and it was MY senior night. I didn't go in until about 20 minutes into the half and we were tied to MIDPARK. And I did not even play my actual position. We ended up playing horrible the second half, we lost momentum, possession of the ball, and the desire to win. This all happened because of one little substitution. My whole entire night was ruined by this. But I couldn't let it bother me anymore. I know that everybody else but our coaches and the parents that are politically involved know what I actually deserve.

I got to sleep in because I had the dentist. And the dentist was much better this time because they didn't have to scrape my teeth as much. I was happy to have my teeth cleaned before my senior pictures. Then I was at school for only an hour. I went to soccer practice and it was totally pointless because the coaches don't even care anymore. And after soccer I went to go support the boys team on their senior night with Emma, Marisa, and Ali. Thank god one soccer team won on their senior night. My senior year season is an embarrassing joke and it sucks.

My beautiful locker decorations

Interesting sign my underclassmen friends made me

My club coach and my teammate from my club team

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Plans For My Senior Year

Everyone has big plans for their senior year: applying to schools, having good sports season, ETC. My senior year has been off to a great start already. Soccer is not the way I was hoping it to be, but that is not what my whole entire year is going to be based off of. I want to have more fun this year than I have any other year in my life. I want to look back on my senior year being my favorite year of high school.

Each year of high school is becoming progressively better. Freshmen year I was awkward, weird, and annoying (in my opinion),and unfortunately I lost some good friends that year because of stupid drama. My sophomore year I kept to myself and my good friends (Erin and Rachael) for the majority of the year. And Junior Year I opened up to more people and had a lot more friends, and I had a lot of fun this summer. So far socially senior year has been great. The football games have never been more fun.

But there is one problem socially with this year. ELE (everyone love everyone) needs to happen; we all need to forget past judgements we've had on people for the last couple of years. Everyone changes by their senior year, I for sure have but I don't think people who do not know me well know that I am a different person than I was 2-3 years ago. I just wish everyone could get along and be friends with each other just for this last year. After this year, I probably will not see the majority of the people in our grade ever again. People do not even realize high school is such a small part of their lives. Many people have fought up to the top of the popularity totem pole throughout high school, but who is going to care 10 years from now? Nobody. If we all could be nice to each other it will make senior year a great memory and experience for years to come.

I initially working towards being the starting captain for my soccer team this year. I worked my butt off during the off season and this summer. But unfortunately my goals did not happen. My teammates, my parents, my friends, and I all knew that I deserved this, but it did not happen. Our soccer program is widely known for being VERY political. With a new head coach the politics have only gotten worse. High school sports should be about the people who are the best should play the most, but not with our soccer program. If you're parents complained enough you get a starting spot on our soccer team. I'm really fed up with all the soccer politics, and I'm glad my high school soccer career is coming to an end. But I am going to miss my friends and playing the game. My teammates are my soul motivation to work really hard this season. I am not working hard for my coaches anymore, because they apparently do not care. I just want to have a fun senior year soccer season, and I am not going to let the politics get to me.

Other sources of the amount of politics involved in high school sports (:

College. The biggest stressor a senior in high school can go through. I am going through a lot of stress in trying to raise my ACT score (which is alright), getting recommendation forms, writing essays, filling out applications, figuring out what I want to major in, and narrowing down my school choices. I took the ACT Saturday and I felt more confident than of my other ACT tests, hopefully my score went up a couple of points. If not I still have the October ACT, but I want to have all of my college applications done by then. I'm working on getting information for my recommendation letters and college apps, but I'm dreading to write the essays. To be completely honest, I am nervous and scared to apply to schools. What if I don't get into the college I want to go into? I have handled rejection before but this is more serious than what I have handled because it involves my future.

 My top choices for schools are Cincinnati, Ohio State, Slippery Rock, and John Carroll. I like Ohio State the best but I am not confident that I will get into the school. I like how Slippery Rock has the programs I want to go into and how no Avon Lake people will go there, but I don't like how small it is. I like Cincinnati, but I am skeptical on who all from Avon Lake will go there and the nastiness of the 'Nati. John Carroll is a really nice school, but it is small. And deciding what I want to do causes me a lot of stress. I am interested in the medical field, but I don't know if I want to become a Physical Therapist, a Physician Assistant, an Occupational Therapist, or go all the way and become a doctor. I also always doubt myself whether I am smart enough to go into a specific field. So I have some big decisions and a lot of work to do in preparation for college in the next two months.

Lastly, for the rest of the year I want to have fun. I might work during the winter as a lifeguard, and I also plan on playing CYO basketball, and getting in shape for track season. I want to be a "FRB" at every football and basketball game, go skiing, have a fun time during the holidays and go Spring Break with my friends.

Despite of a soccer, I am having a fun senior year so far. I hope it continues well and it will be interesting to see what happens with the whole college process!

                                          Shoremen Game
 My Team
                                          Painting for the Boys Game
                                           Seniors 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My summer in a nutshell

I had a fantastic summer, but would I top it off to be the best? I don't know, maybe. But it was by far the busiest summer of my life. I got a job as a lifeguard with Metropolitan Pools and I guarded mainly at Waterside North, but also Legacy and Westwinds South. My job was easy but really boring. Most of the time there would hardly be any people at the pool so I would just sit around. The money was great, the tan was great, but the kids and the boredom got old really fast.

In the month of June I went to the beach quite a few times, and had people over my house quite a bit. Erin, Rachael, Ali and I went to the Supernova together and Ali and I had a lot of fun but I don't think Erin and Rachael enjoyed themselves as much as we did ):. I took the ACT yet again, and I have to take it AGAIN in September. Paige and I went to the Beach Boys and Foster the People concert which was fun except Paige forgot the tickets as we were driving to Blossom, and we got lost on trying to get home. June was definitely the most chill month of the summer, and Erin and I watched alot of the Hills and Laguna Beach on #RetroMTV.

 Then July came around, Paige, Molly, Alexis, Hanna and I adventured out to Cedar Point and we saw the midnight premiere of the Amazing Spiderman (Andrew Garfield <3). I went to my cousin's grad party which was alot of fun, and then the 4th of July was the day after. I had soccer at 7am and then some of my family came over and we hung out by the pool and then Ali and I went over to Claire's house for some Lake Erie fun. Ali and I jetskiied with one of Claire's random neighbors which was kinda awkward, but then we went tubing on the back of the jet ski that Claire and Rachael were driving. After jetskiing there was awesome food there and I enjoyed my late lunch/early dinner with Megan, Emma, and Ali. I unfortunately had to work on the 4th of July from 6-9, but I made it back in time to Jones' for some fireworks (which were awesome!). A bunch of my guy friends and Ali, Emily, Claire, and I went back to my house and hot tubbed and swam after fireworks. My parents came home to us swimming at like 1 in the morning but they didn't really care.

 The next two days after the 4th of July were my college visits at Miami and Cincinnati. Both visits were very difficult to stand through because it was at least 110 degrees. But I liked Cincinnati better than Miami. In fact Cincinnati is my number one choice. So it was great seeing those schools and spending time with my mom. After those college visits I had a busy week of work and summer soccer conditioning. That weekend our soccer team entered the soccer in the sand tournament. The seniors formed teams and Erin and I formed a team which was Team #ELE, we had the best uniforms and name. But anyways we had a lot of fun in that tournament and it was a good time. The next week was two a days for soccer, because we had the Strongsville Showcase that weekend. And let me tell you it was by far the hottest week of summer. Kiko had us run alot in the heat, and it was pretty grueling. It was Erin's birthday by the end of the week and her Eric, Ali and I went to Macaroni Grill which was delicious. And the next day I went to go see the midnight premiere of the Dark Knight rises which was awesome. Then the showcase rolled around and our varsity team looked better. There was some drama that week at soccer concerning team bonding t-shirts (which was so dumb), and earlier in the summer regarding road runs. Little did we know at that point that in 3 weeks time we would experience the most drama-ful week of high school soccer.

My week off of soccer was awesome. I only worked like 2 days and I chilled out and had alot of fun. That week I went to the OAR concert with Hanna, Ali, Paige, and Erin and that concert was awesome. I've been a fan of OAR for years and we saw people from our school there, and we all jammed out together. It was an all around good time. That weekend was Hanna and I's third annual Huron trip where we go out to my mom's friend's cottage and we are friends with her son and the neighbor there. We had a lot of fun watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics, driving around the Huron  area, beaching it, and going to Cedar Point.

August finally crept around, yet another busy week of soccer and work and more soccer drama. I went to Cedar Point with Ali and Erin that week and then had a sleepover with Marisa and Emma. The soccer drama was so dumb, it was about some girl in my grade made a rumor up about me calling a freshmen a not nice name and that I was the reason why she quit. The person who made it up was trying to make me look bad in front of the coaches but she just looked stupid at the end of the day because nobody believed her. On my last high school soccer open play we did Throwback Thursday, where everyone wore old soccer clothes. It was probably one of the most fun I've had at practice. Then the next week was tryouts. Our first day was Camp Carey (DEATH). We had to do 10 full field sprints (there and back), pushup's, sit-up's, planks, suicides, and a two mile run. I was one of the only seniors who actually did all of it, even though I got sick (took medicine without eating). Then the second day of tryouts they announced that they were going to have 2 teams instead of 3. And the result of that was some senior girls leaving the team, and girls that got cut ):, and there only being 2 Varsity captains one of them being a Junior (never has happen before, usually 4-5 seniors as captains). The day after teams were formed Kiko resigned as the head Varsity coach, making Daegan the head varsity coach. DRAMA! And my friends were awesome and took my out for my birthday (:

After all of that drama occurred the soccer team went to team bonding. Ali, Karen, Marisa, Emma, and I made hats that said Let's Get Weird and we made Todd (assistant varsity coach) a hat that said Lord Tatertoddingham Pantz (his combined nickname that we came up with after Lord Toddingham, Tater Todd, and Toddie Todder Pantz). Marisa, Karen, Ali, and I started off the trip by riding down with Kiko to team bonding, which turned into us getting lost, listening to Spanish and god music, and hearing what Kiko thought of the Amish. It was actually alot of fun. Then we got to team bonding late of course (courtesy to Todd), and played night volleyball which got a little weird because Megan awkward salmon'ed Todd, and we had a crazy dance party in the cabins. The next day at team bonding was my 18th birthday and we went canoeing, played predator vs. prey, did some team building activities, played kickball, had pizza, had a bonfire, and had a talent show (mine Karen, Ali and Tori's dance was the best). But what I won't forget is the emotional night we had when the seniors shared good memories they had with Kiko, all of us but Megan started to cry. The next day there was drama after a great weekend of bonding, the same girl who made up that rumor about me wrote on my inspirational paper (team bonding thing ) that I was immature and that Kayla Kress was an airhead. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people call me immature, sure I joke around alot but I handle people and situations in a very mature way.

The next week rolled by and I had soccer and work again. And I even had time to hang out with friends, people came over and swam and chilled at my house, and Paige, Alexis, Molly, Hanna, and I went to see Train in concert which was AWESOME! Then I had more soccer with a scrimmage against Bay and a game against Avon which our team looked really good in. They named Kailey as the last captain, and I was disappointed that I did not get captain but you can't always get what you want. I ended my summer by hanging out with my friends with swimming, having a bonfire, and playing beach volleyball.

Overall I had alot of fun this summer. I learned alot of things and experienced alot of drama. But it has all turned out to be a good thing because I'm stronger from it now. I'm excited for my senior year and what is still to come (:

SuperNova with Erin, Ali, and Rachael!
Rachael's Birthday lunch
My summer job -__-
Beach Time
Beach Boys Concert with Paige
One of the many bonfires of the Summer
Soccer in the Sand Team!
Showing off the back of our shirts
The nugs: Erin, Ali, Annie, and Karen
Erin's birthday dinner
Midnight Premiere of the Dark Knight Rises
OAR Concert with Hanna, Paige, Erin, & Ali
Cards from "That Was A Crazy Game of Poker"
Beachin' it at Huron
Driving around

Throwback Thursday at Soccer
Ali Robinson was probably the most
spirited for this event
Erin, Paige, Alexis, Hanna, Ali, Rachael, and Molly
took me out to Fujiyama for my birthday (:

Emma, Karen, Ali, Marisa & I got
weird at Team Bonding
Our dance party
The motto of that weekend (:
The Seniors & Kiko
Abby & I at soccer
THE TRAIN CONCERT with Paige, Alexis, Molly, & Hanna
Paige Higgins the coolest girl
you will ever meet
Saw friends at Train
The Final Night of Summer 2012